Honors classes in high school deliver the rigor and college prep skills needed to success after graduation.
Online Honor Classes
For high-achieving high school students, Connections Academy offers a broad selection of Honors courses that fulfill basic graduation requirements in English, history, math, and science, while providing a more rigorous curriculum and a more challenging academic environment. Admissions counselors say that college-bound students who wish to enhance the strength of their college applications should consider enrolling in Honors and Advanced Placement® (AP®)* courses.
Advanced Learning
Students in our online high school Honors courses can expect to work harder and commit more time to their studies. Students will engage in independent research and in-depth exploration of concepts to sharpen their critical thinking skills. For example, Honors English and history courses will require advanced reading and writing assignments. Honors English will focus more on literary analysis and vocabulary development, while Honors history will study the people, events, and ideas that shaped the past. Students in each will develop their ability to question, analyze, interpret information, and communicate ideas to others.
Students enrolled in Honors math and science classes will be introduced to many advanced concepts. They will also have the opportunity to study concepts in-depth and apply them to real life situations. Honors math courses also present a variety of problem-solving strategies, as well as real-world applications and technologies. Hands-on and virtual lab experiments along with complete interdisciplinary problem-solving activities give Honors science students the ability to learn science by doing science.
Additionally, students who take honors courses in high school become part of a community of dedicated learners, with opportunities to participate in discussions and group projects with other students enrolled in Honors courses.
Advanced Placement Courses
At Connections Academy, advanced high school students get a jump on college! Students choose from a wide selection of College Board–approved online Advanced Placement* courses. By enrolling in these demanding college-level courses, students demonstrate their commitment to higher education, which may give them a competitive advantage during the college application process.
Prepare for Success
Taking a virtual Advanced Placement course not only helps Connections Academy students gain the skills and study habits they’ll need to succeed in college, but also prepares them to take the national AP exams. High scores on these tests may enable students to earn early college credit. Many four-year colleges in the United States and abroad will give students credit, advanced course placement, or both, depending on the individual college’s policies.
* AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission.